Event Name Nasscom Job Fair
Event Start Date Jan. 31, 2020
Event End Date Jan. 31, 2020
Event Type JOB
Status False
Show on homepage True

The National Association of Software and Services Companies (NASSCOM) and Spoken Tutorial project of IIT Bombay, are delighted to announce a unique opportunity in the form of a dedicated "Job Fair" for college students who have subscribed to the Spoken Tutorial project’s payment scheme. This is a golden opportunity for all final and pre-final year students to engage with organizations working on various free/libre open source software, which might help get an internship and/or a placement opportunity with leading MNCs/SMEs, etc. Technologies that the companies are looking for are C, C++, PHP, Python, Django and other free / libre open source programming language/ software. Please encourage your top performing students (>80% in Spoken Tutorial online programming tests) to participate in this Job Fair. They have to compulsorily show their Spoken Tutorial certificates as proof at the Job Fair Registration Desk.